Cancer-Causing Chemical Found in Popular Acne Treatments

Cancer-Causing Chemical Found in Popular Acne Treatments

Cancer-Causing Chemical Found in Popular Acne Treatments

An independent laboratory, Valisure, has discovered significant levels of benzene, a known carcinogen, in several acne treatment products from leading skincare brands, including Clinique, Clearasil, and Proactiv. This revelation has prompted calls for a recall and further investigation by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Valisure’s findings add to growing concerns over the presence of unhealthy chemicals in personal care products, following similar discoveries in sunscreens and dry shampoos.

Valisure’s Investigation and Findings

Valisure tested 175 acne treatments, 99 of which contained benzoyl peroxide. Among these, benzene was detected at levels more than 800 times the federal concentration limit in products from Clinique, Target, Clearasil, and Proactiv. The laboratory has filed a petition with the FDA to recall the affected products and conduct its own examination. Benzene exposure poses serious health risks, including skin and eye irritation, genetic defects, and cancer.

Industry Impact and Response

The discovery has led to immediate market reactions, with shares of Estee Lauder, which owns Clinique, dropping 3 percent. Valisure’s findings underscore the urgent need for independent quality assurance in the cosmetics industry to protect consumers from potential harm. The FDA, along with the manufacturers involved, has been approached for comments on these alarming findings.

Continuing Concerns Over Cosmetic Safety

This incident highlights ongoing issues with the safety of cosmetic and personal care products, calling into question the adequacy of current regulations and oversight. Consumers and healthcare professionals are increasingly vigilant about the ingredients in these products, advocating for stricter standards to ensure safety and transparency in the industry.