Doorbell Camera Captures Kidnapping in Hillsboro

Doorbell Camera Captures Kidnapping in Hillsboro

Doorbell Camera Captures Kidnapping in Hillsboro


A chilling incident in Hillsboro was captured on a doorbell camera, leading to the arrest of a man involved in a kidnapping. Early in the morning, the camera recorded a disturbing scene where a woman was forcibly taken by an individual, sparking an immediate police response.


Community and Police Response

The Hillsboro Police Department was quick to form an investigative team after receiving the footage, which had also circulated on social media. With the help of community tips, the police swiftly identified and apprehended the suspect, ensuring the victim’s safety.


Background and Charges

The investigation revealed that the victim and the suspect were acquainted, indicating that the kidnapping was not a random act. The suspect has been charged with kidnapping. The identity of both the suspect and the victim remains confidential as the investigation continues. The Hillsboro Police Department expressed gratitude towards the community members who came forward with vital information that aided in the quick resolution of this case.